Wednesday, October 18, 2017

You Get What You Asked For

Someone on an Army wife FB page today asked for some snarky ideas. Apparently there was a typo in an email her husband got from some big-wig in his unit. They are having a "family fun day" or something, and he asked that everyone "bring a desert" as their contribution. Not a dessert. A desert. So this woman was asking for ideas about what to bring.

Most people suggested some kind of desert-themed dessert. Cupcakes topped with crushed graham crackers and whatnot. Aiden, however, said, "Bring a jar of dirt. Maybe throw some rocks in there. He asked for a *desert* so that's what you should bring." That snark is strong with this one.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


We are at the dentist. My kids are so excited. Who are they? Where did they come from? What happened here? 

Octopus don't have fingers though...

After watching a video of an octopus escape a boat through a tiny hole, Reagan decided to narrate what was going on. "Guys, I gotta get out of here. I'm late for my mani-pedi with my friend Tommy!"

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

No Such Thing As Normal

While we were out and about today the kids were acting more goofy than usual. When I asked Aiden why on earth he was being so weird he said, "Hanging out with normal people wrecks my vibe." That explains a lot.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Try, Try in Rage

Aiden was struggling with his coding quiz today, most likely because his brain was already exhausted from his math assignment, so he went back and re-did it and got 100%. I told him I was proud of him for trying so hard, and his response was, "My perseverance is powered by anger." Whatever gets you through the day, little man.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Maybe We Should Give Up On Clothes

All three monkeys (plus me, to some extent) have been sick this week, which means a lot of time spent in pajamas. This morning I told Reagan that since she has been in the same pajamas for at least two days, she really needed to go get dressed. She came back out dressed ... in a different nightgown. One point to Monkey Three.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


I ate something that didn't agree with me, so Lillie decided to take over. She tucked me into bed with a hot pack for my tummy and told me she would make sure the other two kids didn't burn the house down. What a responsible 10 year old.  ☺

Monday, September 18, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

A Duck!

I teasingly called Reagan an evil witch. She paused for a minute and thought, and then said, "First you need to see if I weigh the same as a duck."  #montypythonwins

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hot Chocolate Fixes Everything.

I told Lillie that I had a headache, and some hot chocolate would really help. She replied, "I'll go make some right now! It will fix you up... From how broken you are!" WTF, kid. I guess I'm not hiding it as well as I thought. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Theology of a Three-Year-Old

I just remembered a conversation I had with my son when he was about three about his Creator. I asked him one day if he knew who made him and he replied, "Yep. The Bone-Guy made me. With tape and string." I've got some questions for that Bone Guy...

Getting Milk=Epic Journey

I sent Lillie to run an errand for me - I love having kids old enough to do that, and a shop near by - and I swear to you her reaction was an exact reenactment of this.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

"Good Job."

Lillie stood up to give a few words in church today. There is a paper on the podium that reminds you to give your name when you speak, so she very thoughtfully followed the instructions. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Lillie Talbot. For those of you who do, good job!" I mean, I guess you deserve to be congratulated for knowing my kid. It's such a privilege.  

Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Great Talbot Mock-Off

As the girls were walking to the kitchen table, each with a Pillsbury cinnamon roll, I overheard this conversation.

R: What do you think, Mary?
L: Well, about six minutes from perfection, I think.
R: Yes. They are QUITE hot, aren't they? But the icing on the TOP of the roll was quite a nice touch, I thought.

It might be time to stop watching The Great British Baking Show.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Why are they like this?

This is how Reagan eats a banana. She splits the peel down the middle, and then just kind of nibbles the banana out. And she acts like this is in no way peculiar.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The one where I start a new blog

After closing one's Facebook account, how else does one keep the world informed of the weirdness of one's children? By starting a new blog, of course. I mean, everyone who might read this blog is already well aware of the antics of these odd little ducks, but I figured this would be a fun way to keep track of all the goofy things they say and do while letting the rest of you have a tiny window into our fascinating (haha) lives. So welcome. Enjoy the weirdness we have to offer. Try not to judge us too much.