Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Great Talbot Mock-Off

As the girls were walking to the kitchen table, each with a Pillsbury cinnamon roll, I overheard this conversation.

R: What do you think, Mary?
L: Well, about six minutes from perfection, I think.
R: Yes. They are QUITE hot, aren't they? But the icing on the TOP of the roll was quite a nice touch, I thought.

It might be time to stop watching The Great British Baking Show.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Why are they like this?

This is how Reagan eats a banana. She splits the peel down the middle, and then just kind of nibbles the banana out. And she acts like this is in no way peculiar.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The one where I start a new blog

After closing one's Facebook account, how else does one keep the world informed of the weirdness of one's children? By starting a new blog, of course. I mean, everyone who might read this blog is already well aware of the antics of these odd little ducks, but I figured this would be a fun way to keep track of all the goofy things they say and do while letting the rest of you have a tiny window into our fascinating (haha) lives. So welcome. Enjoy the weirdness we have to offer. Try not to judge us too much.