Thursday, October 25, 2018

Creepiest George

From Aiden's English assignment today, where he was told to fill in the blanks using adverbs to make the sentences more vivid:

"Curious George climbed shakily into the window of the house. Cautiously he ran toward the tempting bike. The man in the yellow hat called after him sleepily.
George didn't stop but climbed unwillingly on the bike. He waved sadly as he sped by. Slowly he ran into the hedge. George was not easily hurt. He was extremely sorry he was forced to be curious."

I've decided not to be concerned. Denial is always the best course of action, right?

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Monkeys Made a Thing

The Talbot kiddos are fans of the YouTuber Tobuscus, and they decided to remake one of his cartoons in real life. Check it out, and maybe subscribe to their channel. They plan on making more videos in the future.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

They Think They're the Beaudelaires

Heard from my kids in the back of the car today: Aiden (13) speaking to Reagan (9), "If they find out you're a baby, things have gone horribly wrong " 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Their Lunch Has the Power

Not even sure what my kids are doing with their lunches right now, but what I hear from the kitchen is this: Reagan- "I got a little of the juice!" Lillie- "What juice?" Aiden- "The juice with the power." Lillie- "What power?" Reagan- "The power of voodoo." I really love them a lot.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Talbot Tribune

Reagan has been learning about newspapers for the past two weeks, and her final project was to get a newspaper and use clippings to show that she understands the different parts of a paper. When she was done gluing everything she needed to her posterboard, she and her siblings got a bit creative.

"Pisces: An unexpected change at work will cause anxiety. Feel threatened by what's going on."

"Cancer: Force unwanted change on someone you don't agree with."

"Say, would you Facebook?" "Would I!" "I'm a ton of friends!" "That sounds kind to me." "You go! See? Only tell me that!"

"Get out of your yard so hunters can find you!"

"Thinking of getting a new family."

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Lillie Kills Us All

So Aiden just came in and noticed that Lillie had left the TV on. This prompted him to start ranting about how she "always" does this, so I said, "Yep. And then we all DIED." So he responded, "Well, we might! She leave the TV on, you guys have to pay a higher utility bill, we can't buy groceries, and WE STARVE TO DEATH, AND IT'S HER FAULT!"

Monday, January 15, 2018

Figurative Nursery Rhymes

Reagan, while reading a book of nursery rhymes, "You know, they never say Humpty Dumpty is an egg. I think it's probably figurative." 🤔 Good call, monkey!